WhatsApp, the widely used messaging platform owned by Meta, is preparing to launch a new feature aimed at bolstering user privacy by allowing conversations without revealing phone numbers. The feature, currently in beta testing, marks a significant shift towards enhancing privacy and user experience.
In a move to strengthen user privacy, WhatsApp is set to introduce a feature that will enable users to chat without disclosing their phone numbers. Instead, users will be identified solely by a unique username, providing an additional layer of security and privacy. This feature aligns with privacy-focused platforms like Telegram, which have successfully implemented similar measures.
The feature is currently available in the version of WhatsApp Beta for Android and is undergoing trial testing. Once fully launched, users will be able to create a unique identifier linked to their WhatsApp account, allowing them to initiate conversations without sharing their phone number.
In addition to the username feature, WhatsApp is testing a new security measure to combat spam. This will require users who have not interacted before to enter a PIN, of at least four digits, before starting a chat, even if they know the recipient’s username. This feature is designed to reduce unsolicited messages and enhance user safety.
Despite the progress in testing, it remains uncertain when these features will exit the beta phase. Reports suggest that Meta may not roll out the username feature and PIN support to all users until the end of the year, as testing and refinement continue.
WhatsApp is also reportedly developing a feature that will allow users to reshare status updates where they have been mentioned. This functionality, akin to a similar feature on Instagram, will simplify the process of sharing tagged status updates with contacts, enhancing the platform’s social sharing capabilities.
As WhatsApp continues to evolve, these upcoming features represent the platform’s commitment to improving user experience while prioritising privacy and security. The introduction of usernames and the anti-spam PIN code are expected to be key steps forward in maintaining WhatsApp’s standing as a leading global messaging service.
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